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Thu, Mar 02



Create a Workplace Culture of Dignity

Join this live, online leadership development and leadership training webinar to explore strategies for creating a workplace culture where all people thrive.

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Create a Workplace Culture of Dignity
Create a Workplace Culture of Dignity

Time & Location

Mar 02, 2023, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST


About the Event

According to Gallup, 67% of the American workforce is disengaged. These individuals are not enthusiastic about or committed to their work and workplace. With much of the workforce actively disengaged, organizations are missing opportunities for innovation, growth, and profitability. Disengaged individuals are stifling their potential and failing to thrive, and they might be taking others down with them.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can create workplaces where people and work thrive together by creating a culture of dignity.

Robyn Short, founder and CEO of Workplace Peace Institute, will share evidence-based strategies for cultivating a workplace culture where all people are engaged and experience their inherent worth and value as contributors.

Participants will learn:

●  The criteria necessary for cultivating peace and dignity in the workplace and why this should be a business imperative.

●  Dynamics of human behavior, including a fun dive into neuroscience.

●  Behavioral approaches to leading and communicating with dignity and how this builds trust in the workplace.

Dr. Short engages audiences with multidisciplinary research, effective strategies for growing as leaders in a modern workplace, and storytelling. Her friendly, down-to-earth approach allows participants to lean into the subject matter and learn from a place of joy and connection.

Learning Facilitator

Dr. Robyn Short is an organization systems design consultant, leadership development consultant, peace-building trainer, and mediator with expertise in restorative practices and transformative mediation models. Dr. Short works with individuals, corporations, and nonprofit organizations in discovering the root causes of conflicts, so they may transform their relationships and create new and productive paths forward individually and as teams. She also works with community leaders and political and governmental leaders to develop initiatives for building sustainable peace in areas of historic conflict. In this capacity, she has been featured in news outlets internationally.

Dr. Short is an adjunct professor at Southern Methodist University in the Master of Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution program, the Master of Leadership and Negotiation at Bay Path University, and the College of Innovation and Design at Texas A&M Commerce. She holds a Doctor of Liberal Studies degree with a focus in peace studies and systems design. She holds a Master of Art in Dispute Resolution from Southern Methodist University and a Master of Liberal Arts from Southern Methodist University with a focus in 15th century European history. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Auburn University. Her research interests focus on the role of dignity in organizational systems design.

Dr. Short teaches Dignity Intelligence and Restorative Justice in the Workplace for the WPI Leadership Academy.


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Workplace Peace Institute is an organizational systems design and research firm that brings a multidisciplinary approach to culture development and leadership training. We support small to mid-sized businesses in optimizing employee engagement, maximizing organizational productivity, and improving profitability by infusing human security and dignity as foundational attributes of their business model.

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